Johannes Dietel


Sometimes my game plan works immediately and I am ‘in the game’ from the first cast, but it’s not always like that. Perhaps the fish are not where I expect them to be, or they refuse to attack my lures, these are common problems that have to be overcome by all anglers. So, I have to search for active fish, change my strategy and thinking, reconfigure my hardware, find the lure of the day, and most importantly, think forward with confidence.

A positive mindset helps during periods of inactivity, when trial and error is applied to work out how to catch. With every cast the anticipation of a strike rises and when it does it will often come without warning. It is a tremendous feeling and even if it is only a subtle take, the sensation will instinctively trigger my mind to set the hook.

Confidence is a steadily growing instinct. Well trained skills, perfectly balanced tackle and a proven lure or bait lead me through the quest. I expect a bite every single second of the retrieve and when it comes it electrifies me. That’s the spirit which escorts me every day on the water, which has been responsible for many great fishing adventures, and will bring me many magic moments in future.

Johannes Dietel

“With every cast the anticipation of a strike rises and when it does it will often come without warning”