Alijn Danau


My fishing challenge is to catch specific, individual fish from the water I am fishing. On most popular waters, captures of the largest fish are well documented, and it is these fish I like to target. Often it will be the largest fish, but there are times when I focus on smaller fish for other personal reasons. It might be that there is a particularly attractive fish in the water, a very old fish or one that is very hard to catch.

Each water offers a different challenge. Some may have low numbers of fish and contain lots of natural food for them to feed on. This makes the carp more difficult to catch. This challenge is further increased if the water is very large and the fish have to be located before fishing. Other waters may have snags that the fish feed close to for security, or where very long range fishing is required. In these circumstances special techniques are required to overcome the situation.

Perhaps the most inspiring challenge is to fish waters with little or no history of captures. This tests all of my knowledge and angling experience, but at the same time motivates me to find the answer to unlock the water I’m fishing.

Alijn Danau

“Perhaps the most inspiring challenge is to fish waters with little or no history of captures”